Shark Lin

Hyper Dimension of Illusion


Self-cultivation is a process of exploring dimension of a specific topic. In the process, I accidentally step into a bottomless pit of mathematics, design, art, film, games, music, new media, and all the subversive fun of super-experiencing the world. There are always discoveries to be made every day.

*Dimension of Illusion, an art exhibition curated by Shark Lin, will run until December 31st at EnterSpace, Taipei.


*Shark Lin策劃的展覽《錯視維度》於台北密室逃脫 / 咖啡實驗室舉行,展至年底12月31日。


Shark Lin

Lin discovered the delight of mathematics one boring morning in middle school second grade, while attending a self-study class. Lin is currently involved in mathematics research, artistic creation, interviews, popular science writing and exhibition planning. Instead of studying math or learning art, Lin reflects upon various mathematical and artistic gestures from multiple perspectives, in hopes to bring some delight into the world.Lin’s math-art works have been exhibited at Stockholm Bridges (2018), IMAGINARY (2017), Pan Knowledge Festival (2016), On-site, Visual (2015、2016). Lin's curatorial projects include Dimension of Illusion (2018) , The Geometric Artworks of Wu Kyun Ying (2017) , Polyhedron Making (2017).

☯ 關於

Shark Lin


數學藝術作品曾在斯德哥爾摩Bridges(2018)、IMAGINARY超越無限 ‧ 數學印象特展(2017)、泛知識節(2016)、視覺混種(2015、2016)展出;策展經歷包括《錯視維度》、《轉幾 ‧ 轉積 ‧ 轉機》及《多面自造》。
